Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon

We Appreciate Our Caregivers, Clients, and Their Families

Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon

Holiday Appreciation Luncheon 

We recently hosted our annual Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon. We host this event so that we can show our appreciation to all our amazing caregivers, current and past clients, and their families and business associates. This is an event that everyone enjoys immensely with fun activities such as our caregivers singing Holiday songs, our photo booth, and the raffling off of some great items. Thank you to everyone who was able to make the event and we hope that you will be able to join us next year!

Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon

employees at holiday appreciation lunch

Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon

Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon

Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon

Homewatch CareGivers Holiday Appreciation Luncheon

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