Time Changes Everything – Homewatch CareGivers Can Help

caregiver with clients

Author: Mark Jorrey, President/Owner

Several years ago (ok, maybe more than several), a dear friend of mine who had just turned 50 years old, would tell me these incredible stories of how life was changing. By changing, he meant physically – things didn’t work the same way they did even just a few years ago (by few, I mean one). It was as if a switch was flipped and the aging process was kicked into high gear. He would eat less and gain more; couldn’t lift or bend or do the same tasks; short term memory went to pot; waking at night to visit the restroom; and on and on.

Of course, I didn’t believe him as I was 10 years younger and so naïve! When I reached that threshold and beyond, I realized that time waits for no one, and I am experiencing many of the changes he experienced (and probably a few more). The reason I bring this up is that we all change from the day we are born throughout our lives. It is not until a point later that we actually notice that change. It can be eye-opening and shocking, but it doesn’t have to prevent us from living a full life. Sometimes, all we need is a little help to continue doing things that are important to us and our families.

Homewatch CareGivers of SW Fort Worth is here to provide that help. Whether you are looking for a caregiver to help with Elder Care, Dementia, Companion or Personal Care and more, we will match your needs with our caregivers to ensure you or your loved one are treated as a part of our family.

We at Homewatch CareGivers are very blessed to be able to share our passion for caring for you or your loved one. It is an opportunity for us to provide care and empathy that others truly need. For more information on our services, contact us today!