Jumping Into the Fire – Safety First


Author: Mark Jorrey, President/Owner

Late at night, I was sitting by the campfire with my life-long friends pondering where life brought us and what direction we would go from this point on...

Believe it or not, a small frog jumped into the circle of light and stopped as if it were pondering our same thoughts. My friends and I remained silent and just watched the scene unfold before us. This little frog had a decision to make – should it continue straight-forward into the fiery blaze or take a turn and stay safe. Well, I hate to break the news but this little frog decided to forge straight ahead and did not make it out the other side. Life lesson? You bet. We can all learn from this frog’s journey as it ended abruptly. It didn’t have to though. Had the frog asked for help, redirection would have been provided.

At Homewatch CareGivers of SW Fort Worth, we can provide that direction and support with In-Home Care. Our Caregivers are there to ensure you or your loved one’s safety. As cooking fires are the number 1 cause of home fires in the US, they can be avoided with proper precaution. Take a look at the following statistics and action plans to help make sure your environment is safe from fire hazards.

  • Cooking fires are the #1 cause of home fires and,
  • Smoking is the leading cause of home fire deaths for adults 65 and over.
  • In comparison to the population at large, starting at age 65, people are twice as likely to be killed or injured by fires.

Things you can do to improve your fire safety protocol:

  • Smoke Alarms
  1. Put working smoke alarms on every level of your home – inside bedrooms and outside of sleeping areas.
  2. Test each alarm monthly and make sure each person is alerted by them even when asleep. Ensure appropriate alarm signals for the hearing or otherwise impaired. Replace the entire smoke alarm every 10 years or sooner if it does not alarm when tested.
  3. Change the battery annually or the entire unit (if sealed battery) at the recommended frequency.
  4. Place smoke alarms at least 10 feet away from the stove or bathroom.
  • Fire Safety in the Kitchen
  1. Stay in the kitchen to monitor when frying, grilling, boiling or broiling
  2. Check regularly when simmering, baking or roasting – use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.
  3. Keep a pot lid nearby when you cook. If a fire starts in the pan, you can slide the lid over the pot and turn off the burner.
  4. Turn pot handles to the back of the stove to prevent pots from being knocked off.
  5. Clean the oven / stove after each use.
  6. Keep flammable items away from the cooking surface.
  7. Make sure all equipment is turned off – oven, stove, burners, etc. when finished.

If a fire starts, stay calm and get out. Once out, call 911 or the fire department from a cellphone or a neighbor’s telephone. Have an outside meeting place at a safe distance in front of your house where first responders can see you.

Remember, at Homewatch CareGivers, we are here for you to provide direction and ensure the safety of those we serve. Call us at (817) 904-4634 so we can provide the guidance / direction your loved one needs. Homewatch CareGivers of SW Fort Worth is here to provide that help. Whether you are looking for a caregiver to help with Elder Care, Dementia, Companion or Personal Care and more, we will match your needs with our caregivers to ensure you or your loved one are treated as a part of our family.

We are very blessed to be able to share our passion for caring for you or your loved one. It is an opportunity for us to provide care and empathy that others truly need. For more information on our services, contact us today!

You can read the preceding fire safety points and additional details in the “Fire Safety for Older Adults – US Fire Administration”: FA-221 document here.