The Value of Home Care Across the Healthcare Continuum

HomeWatch CareGivers's staff members, Lisa Pernice and Kate Tyler presented to the Holyoke Medical Center in March. The "Cross Continuum Team Meeting" included a group of hospital 'Navigators', and RN Case Managers. We gave an overview of our agency and how our caregivers provide safety, engagement and empowerment to their clients on a very person-centered level.

Key Themes

The discussion centered around:

  • What differentiates Homewatch CareGivers from other home care agencies;
  • A review of case studies illustrating how our strategies are helping to reduce hospital re-admissions and improve quality of life;
  • Understanding the impact of caregivers who have been trained to oversee our clients and their chronic conditions on a daily basis;
  • Interventions with family and medical personnel to reduce mishaps which can cause unnecessary hospitalization;
  • Acknowledging the role and impact of home care services to help reduce re-hospitalizations, and decrease the associated healthcare costs;
  • How Homewatch CareGivers places a high priority on promoting self-management, and encouraging safe transitions from hospital, to rehab centers, and then at home.

The team meeting format offered an open exchange of ideas and information. The RN Case Managers at Holyoke Medical Center gave us this opportunity to talk about the effectiveness of non-medical, supportive home care. Their feedback confirmed that hospital case managers see patients all the time who would benefit from our services.

Navigate here for more information about HomeWatch CareGivers's after care services. Or contact us.