Long Term Care Insurance (LTC): A Burden and A Blessing
When your loved one requires personal care in their home or residential facility, finding the right care for them is the first thing on your mind. Next, you’ll be considering how that care will be covered. Even if your loved one had the foresight to invest in a long-term care insurance (LTC), it is quite possible that the policy is sitting in a drawer and has not been looked at in years. Possibly your loved one purchased LTC for their future care when in their 50’s or 60’s and now needs to use it 30 years later. There is so much to know to file correctly and utilize the insurance efficiently. This is an added burden at a time when your priorities are elsewhere. Does your loved one have an LTC policy? Are you accessing it properly? Supporting families through this difficult time is a commitment of Homewatch CareGivers of South Orange. That’s why we have a staff member, Shirley Baldwin-Florze dedicated to helping clients and their families with the bureaucracy of LTC claims.
Shirley has a clear understanding of how claims are processed from start to finish despite the complexity of multiple types of insurance plans. She educates the family about the LTC process as she collects all relevant information making sure it is accurate and readily available to the insurance provider. “This is a relief to our clients knowing I will take care of the paperwork. Their families are elated that the important aspect of paying for their loved one’s care is being handled by a knowledgeable staff member with years of experience”, explained Shirley. About 80% of our clients who have LTC insurance, utilize the services of Shirley (at no extra charge), because it lightens their load when there is so much happening with their loved one. Shirley also prepares year end statements for tax purposes, which she sends out to the families. “I bring 9 years of dedication which includes problem-solving and multi-tasking to my work to benefit our clients and their families, when they are in crises, caring for their loved one”, said Shirley.
Homewatch CareGivers of South Orange is your trusted source for compassionate in-home and residential facility care, (short term, long term, hourly & live-in) when your loved one needs personal assistance and companionship. Our dedicated nurses, social workers and aides form an experienced medical and service Care Team providing support and peace of mind to the family. Our care solution is uniquely designed to help your loved one stay in the comfort of their home, where they want to be in Essex, Union, Passaic and Morris counties. For more information call (973) 810-0110 or email Randi at rbrokman@hwcg.com.

Commitment to Training
Every homecare agency is required to provide 12 hours of training to caregivers each year. At Homewatch Caregivers of South Orange we are committed to continuously learning.
“Training Together with Homewatch” was created by Karen Frank, Director of Education and Jessica Lesnik, Senior Client Care Director, and has been hugely popular with the caregivers, with 40-50 attending each month. Some of our topics have included, Dealing with the Forgetful Client, My Client Doesn’t Feel well, and What is Hospice.
“This training project has been very gratifying to create as the caregivers are so receptive. They actively participate and are willing to share their own experience and expertise. These sessions, then are both content driven and good community builders for our caregiving members.” - Karen Frank, RN, Director of Education