Free CPR Training!

Who wants to miss a free CPR training class? We sure don't. CPR with Kelly will be at the Sportsplex and Event Center at 24035 Riverwalk Ct in Plainfield on Nov 16th and 30th from 7-8pm. This is Free event for family and friends to learn basic CPR skills. We hope to see you out there.

At Homewatch CareGivers we are happy to know about such resources and love sharing them with our seniors. As a homecare company we see lots of these services being needed and love being a part of a community that offers them and works so hard for their seniors. If you have any questions about our services such as senior care, dementia care, respite care, and more, please reach out to us and we would love to set up a free in-home consultation for you or a loved one. We look forward to being able to serve you and your family.

Free CPR Training Flyer