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Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix
Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix is hiring!
Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix is a provider of caregiving services, primarily for the elderly and disabled. We strive to enhance the overall health, safety, and well-being of our clients. We wish to improve their quality of life, by bringing joy and happiness into our clients' homes. We view our purpose as one of rekindling and nurturing our human spirit, with care that reflects our passion to serve, and empathy for those in need.
Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix is seeking to attract and train newcomers to the industry. Serving as a Care Partner can be a very rewarding job and profession. Those who have an innate desire to serve others, have a direct impact on lives, and thrive on the immediacy of feedback, will find this to be a unique opportunity to leverage the transfer of their skills, knowledge, and experience.
As a business, we subscribe to the Servant Leadership style of management. As such, we realize that our Care Partners form the backbone of our business. It is our intent to honor those who work with us by abiding by our "3 R's of Caregiving: Respect, Reward, and Recognition "T.
We welcome all who may be interested to consider a job in home care, and become a member of our team at Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix. Please call our office today at 602-953-2872, or complete a preliminary application on-line by clicking HERE, and begin an exciting new chapter in your career.
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