Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix Annual Christmas Caroling Event

Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix held their annual Christmas Caroling event on Tuesday evening, December 11th, 2019. This was the 15th year that they have partnered with local high school choirs, going to senior living communities and hospice units that they serve, spreading holiday cheer through music.

Christmas Caroling provides Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix the opportunity to demonstrate their civic-minded approach to serving the local senior community. This is a reflection of their Philosophy of Care that accounts for their clients’ overall well-being, as well as their health and safety. The holiday season provides the opportunity for all of us to enrich the lives of others by creating moments to experience joy and happiness. It is often the simple pleasures in life, like singing and the holiday spirit, that bring joy to our hearts.

Included are photos of the quartet from the Centennial High School Choir, led by Cheryl Tucker.

Christmas Carolers spreading holiday cheerAnother Christmas Carolers spreading holiday cheer

For information on home care services that reflect the passion and commitment demonstrated by our annual caroling, please give our office a call today for a free consultation and assessment of your home care needs. Let our family care for yours.

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