Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Education Conference

The Central Region of the Desert Southwest Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association is holding its annual Caregiver Education Conference on Friday, April 12th. This year’s conference is being held at the Dayspring United Methodist Church, located at 1365 E. Elliot Rd, in Tempe, Arizona. It is advised that you register as early as possible to guarantee your registration.

Dan Fern, Managing Partner of Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix, will be presenting at the conference on Long Term Care (LTC) insurance. The presentation is scheduled for the 2:15P session and is titled “Long Term Care Insurance - Maximizing Benefits and Minimizing Costs.” See page 5 of the conference brochure for more details.

Having assisted Homewatch Caregivers of Phoenix’s clients with their long term care policies for over 15 years, Dan has become expert in advocating for and advising those with long term care insurance to get the most out of their policies. This is a free service that is offered to all of their clients who have LTC insurance policies.

Their objective is to ensure that their clients receive all the benefits that they are entitled to, and at minimum cost. Dan and staff will help clients navigate the complex process of initiating claims, submitting all needed documents, and make certain that your claim is approved. Advice is also offered so that clients make the most informed decisions possible to effectively leverage the benefits afforded to them by their policies.

Homewatch CareGivers of Phoenix offers much more than just caregivers and caregiving services. We provide oversight and management of services to guarantee the highest quality service possible. We offer our clients our knowledge and expertise on long term care insurance, and any other aspect related to our service.

Call 602-313-3991 today for a free, no obligation consultation and assessment of home care needs for your loved on, and let our family care for yours.

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