Oktoberfest Dinner at Post 43!

The American Legion Post 43 is throwing a Oktoberfest Celebration and everyone is invited! The Dinner will be catered by Dark Horse Catering and throwing down some great German foods. Reservation deadline will be Oct 18th and cost will be $15 per person and $7 for kids. Children under 6 eat free. Come on out and support your local Veterans and have a beer with them and some great food!

octoberfest graphic

Homewatch CareGivers is a VA approved provider and supports our Veterans in our community. Offering home care such as dementia care, respite care, post operative care, and more helps our clients get to stay at home and offers them more independents. If you have any questions on how we can help you or a loved one, please contact us and we would love to set up a free in-home consultation for you.