Dance with a Hero!

dance with a hero flyer

The Naperville American Legion, Naperville Marines and VFW 3873 bring to you the this Nov 17th a chance to win a dance with a hero! This event is for the Toys for Tots program and will be at 908 Jackson Ave, Naperville from 7pm until 10:30pm. For $30 you will get a Wonderful Dinner and Drinks and there will be a raffle, Silent auction and Karaoke. Please bring a new unwrapped gift for the tots and you will get $5 off. You do not want to miss this event!

Homewatch CareGivers is a VA approved provider, and we would love to know how we can assist you or a loved one with in home care. Our services range from companionship care, dementia care, and respite care, to post operative care, senior care and more. We have offices in Naperville, Plainfield and Lockport and cover all the surrounding areas as well. We offer free in-home consultations and would be happy to set one up for you at your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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