Homewatch CareGivers Partners with Naperville District 203 to Host Summer Interns


When Dennise Vaughn, Administrator, Homewatch CareGivers heard there was a need in the community to give high school students experience helping others to prepare the students for health careers, she stepped up and said she would put together a program. “In my 27 years as a healthcare professional, mentoring has always been my passion. Helping student explore opportunities may inspire them to do their life’s work.” Vaughn commented.

The students had weekly “Homewatch Huddles” to review the client cases and determine which clients they would shadow. The Homewatch CareGivers office also worked on partnerships with other senior service providers to give the students additional experiences. The students worked with Naperville Senior Center Adult Day Services and with Peace Hospice in Naperville.

Please contact us at naperville@hwcg.com if you would like to be a participating partner or would be interested in an internship.

Right to left: Marissa Castelino, Meenakshi Gupta, Safa Habib, Emma Treco and Katy Flannery, Naperville Central High School Students interning at Homewatch CareGivers of Naperville.