November is National Family Caregiver Month

happy national family caregivers awareness month

November is not just the start of the holiday season, the beginning of winter, or the start of basketball season; it is also National Family Caregiver Month. We want to take this time to honor all family members, loved ones and friends who have cared for or are currently caring for a loved one. And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we want to recognize all caregivers because, we are all caregivers in one way or another.

Taking care of another person can mean many different things: emotional support, physical support, taking someone to appointments or even out to lunch and just spending time with them. While we juggle our own lives, we manage to make time for others. Family caregivers are special people, they step up to the plate when it matters most.

Part of recognizing caregivers is being grateful for the work they do. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, showing appreciation for and when the time comes, returning kindness. Gratitude has benefits for all of us:

  1. Gratitude releases toxic emotions
  2. Gratitude reduces pain
  3. Gratitude improves sleep quality
  4. Gratitude increases self satisfaction, and
  5. Gratitude creates stronger interpersonal relationships

Click here to read an article on the Science of Gratitude:

life is beautiful seen through the eyes of gratitude

It is a common belief that sunflowers were meant to symbolize gratitude. There are many sayings about Sunflowers including, "Just like sunflowers keep your face towards the light, and shadows will always fall behind you.” Gratitude allows you to notice and focus on the positive.

Click here to read a newsletter by the University of Kentucky about gratitude -;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1730506953/RO=10/

The Gift of Caregiving

The gift of caregiving is the idea that caring for someone else is a gift that can bring out the best in a person, despite the challenges of the role. Read about the gift of caregiving here -

As this is National Family Caregivers Month, it is an ideal time for caregivers to learn to care for themselves so they can better care for their loved ones. Think of the old adage, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ It’s critical to your success as a caregiver and personal well-being to slow down and take care of yourself. Remember that you don't have to do everything all at once, especially if the thought of self-care just makes you feel more exhausted. Making yourself a priority starts with you.

Tips to take care of yourself:

  1. Be active
  2. Eat well
  3. Prioritize sleep
  4. Reduce stress
  5. Make time to relax
  6. Keep up with your own health
  7. Reach out for support
  8. Take a break if you need it
  9. Make time to relax, even if it’s only for short periods at a time.

Remember to stay healthy with these self-care tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Eat proper meals daily
  3. Eat healthy snacks
  4. Get plenty of uninterrupted sleep
  5. Exercise daily
  6. Take a walk with a friend
  7. Maintain your health by keeping doctor visits and any medication requirements

In essence, do something you love to do, after all, it can be all about you for a few moments! And do what you need to stay healthy.

Some people will remember Vincent Van Gogh’s well-known paintings of Sunflowers. Van Gogh painted a total of five large canvases with sunflowers in a vase, with three shades of yellow ‘and nothing else’. For those who study art, it was his way to demonstrate that it was possible to use variations of a single color, without any loss of eloquence. These sunflower paintings had a special significance for Van Gogh. As was mentioned above, he also believed they communicated ‘gratitude’.

Find more about Vincent Van Gohn’s Sunflower art:

To all caregivers, we are grateful for all you do for your families, loved ones, friends or clients, whoever you care for!

Interested in learning more about Homewatch CareGivers Lincolnwood and all the services we have to offer? Reach out to us today.