Are you looking for Homecare but don’t know where to start? Are you concerned about how to start?

We have programs for you. If you are like some clients we see, the start of care for a family member or loved one can be a tense time. There can be a lot happening at once, people you don’t know give advice and ideas and tell you what to do.

If I had I recommendation to give, it is something I was told a long time ago, when my parents were young, and I didn’t think I had to worry about it!

  • Be ready for when it happens, don’t wait until it is an urgent need.

Too many people ‘fall’ into home care – that’s when a family member has a devastating fall, and a rehab facility tells you they can’t go home without home care. Or when a condition worsens suddenly, and you need help at home.

We have programs that can help you be ready! Introducing Homewatch CareGivers Total Care Solutions™, featuring Homewatch Connect™!

Homewatch CareGivers Total Care Solutions™ offers several options to customize the way care is provided to ensure High Touch / High Tech Care. Here are a few of the options available to you:

Active Care Solutions: Active Care is a great introduction to home care while remaining independent with remote support. This develops familiarity with care planning, which is identifying what you need and want, and the coordination of the care plan with a care team. Active Care infuses the power of our Homewatch Connect™ technology.

Homewatch Connect: Our Homewatch Connect™ technology leverages ambient sensors and virtual remote connection technologies. The ambient sensors provide more insight into the home environment.

Transition care: This is a great option to bridge the gap for those times when you need extra support. We have experience helping client transition or bridge the gap in many different ways including:

  • Moving from home into Senior Living, Assisted Living or even into Memory Care. This includes helping your loved one adjust to the new environment, new people, new activities, essentially new everything. This is usually decreasing care of the client gets more independent.
  • Moving from home to the hospital or to rehab. These situations can require a little extra attention to make sure you have the best chance to get better.
  • Moving from Rehab back to home whether it be your home or an independent or assisted living facility. It's your home and we want to make sure you are safe and comfortable and have everything you need.

Specialized care: We take the time to train our caregivers for the special needs of chronic conditions. Check out some of our chronic condition information here:

You may also choose Wellness Care /Companion Care and Personal Care depending on current needs.

Check out our website for more information or call us at 773-647-1200.

That’s how we got into this business, and that’s why we started this business, to help families find the best care for their families and loved ones and so others can learn what we didn’t know when our parents needed care!

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