Dementia and Personality Changes
Caregiving Services That Make a Difference
The behavioral progression of dementia will present as anxiety, compulsive acts, and lost social skills, which are all characteristics of certain personality disorders. It’s important to recognize that dementia is not a personality disorder, and therefore shouldn’t be treated as such.
If supporting a loved one experiencing dementia-related personality changes is becoming overwhelming, call 888-404-5191 to connect to your local Homewatch CareGivers®.
Can Dementia Cause Personality Changes?
Yes. Personality changes in dementia are inevitable. As the person’s perception of the world around them shifts, they will start reacting to everyday situations in surprising ways. They will become increasingly confused and frightened as they lose the ability to make plans, solve problems, or recall events and names.
Is Anger and Irritability a Sign of Dementia?
They can be. Anger and irritability are common personality changes in people living with dementia. The combination of disrupted sleep, increased anxiety and depression, and frustration with the world around them increases anger and irritability in those with dementia.
Dementia Personality Changes: The First Signs
As dementia progresses in the hippocampus and frontal lobes of the brain, your loved one will gradually become less and less like their former self. Some of the other common personality changes early in a person’s dementia progress include:
- Loss of initiative and interest in former activities and hobbies
- Becoming suspicious and paranoid
- Mood swings
- Inability to recognize close friends and family
- Eventually, inability to perform day-to-day tasks.
As these changes take place, family caregivers must remember that although dementia can mimic mental illness (anxiety, compulsive acts, and social inappropriateness), it’s neither a mental illness nor a personality disorder.
As dementia worsens, it slowly erases identity and independence, creating extreme changes to or the gradual, partial loss of your loved one’s former personality. It’s important to resist treating your loved one like a stranger. They’re still the same person you’ve known all along, they’re just living with the effects of dementia. Whenever possible, recount stories and memories that contain keys to your loved one’s former personality and passions. Not only will this become a treasured pastime, it will help you to stay connected to the person you know and love.
Personality changes in someone with dementia can be difficult for a loved one or caregiver to handle. The illness can potentially make your parent or spouse aggressive, despondent, confused, and more.
Physically, these changes can be brought on by the deterioration of brain cells as the disease progresses. But family caregivers should also be aware of the possibility of medications, other medical conditions, and changes to the living environment causing personality changes in their loved one.
The Alzheimer’s Association provides a list of “triggering situations” that might lead to behavioral changes in someone with dementia:
- Moving to a new residence or nursing home.
- Changes in a familiar environment or caregiver arrangements.
- Misperceived threats.
- Admission to a hospital.
- Being asked to bathe or change clothes.
“Identifying what has triggered a behavior can often help in selecting the best approach to deal with it,” the Alzheimer’s Association notes.
Caregiver Tips to Cope with Changes in Personality with Dementia
Here’s what the Alzheimer’s Association recommends when dementia-related behavioral problems arise:
- Don’t take it personally when the person says something hurtful.
- Avoid being confrontational or arguing about facts. “For example, if a person expresses a wish to go visit a parent who died years ago, don't point out that the parent is dead,” states the Alzheimer’s Association. “Instead, say, ‘Your mother is a wonderful person. I would like to see her too.’"
- Create a calm environment by eliminating any background noise, such as a television.
- Look for medical reasons behind the behavior and consult with their doctor.
- Redirect the person’s attention to an activity they enjoy.
The Alzheimer’s Association also has an online network for family caregivers like you to learn from and bounce ideas off of.
When Is It Time to Consider Medication for Personality Changes?
If the approaches above do not help, there are prescription medications that might. However, these medications are only used in situations when an individual is a safety risk to themselves or others. Consult with your loved one’s doctor and seek their help in selecting a medication most likely to work for them.
Homewatch CareGivers Is Here to Assist
Providing in-home care for a person with dementia can be incredibly rewarding and frequently challenging. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. The professional caregivers at your local Homewatch CareGivers receive specialized training to support your loved one living with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
Our team of dementia and Alzheimer’s care experts is here for you. Contact Homewatch CareGivers today to schedule a free in-home consultation.

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