Personalized Connected Care


About Our Owners

Jim Braaksma II and Amy Kruithoff BSN, RN founded this company with a shared mission: to make a meaningful impact on our community and the individuals who call it home. Together, they are driven by a commitment to create positive change and support the people in their community in every way possible. Jim brings a wealth of expertise, having worked in finance, financial risk, and compliance since graduating from The Ohio State University. His analytical skills and dedication to fostering growth provide a strong foundation for the company.

Amy’s journey in the medical field began 20 years ago when she started as a State Tested Nurse Aide (STNA) at Riverside Methodist Hospital. Inspired to advance her career, she earned her Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) from Columbus State Community College and began working in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU). While continuing her work in the CICU, she pursued her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at Ohio University. 

Eager for new challenges, Amy transferred to Grant Medical Center, where she gained invaluable experience in the Trauma/Medical Intensive Care Unit. She remained in bedside nursing until 2019, when health challenges led her to step away temporarily. During this time, she transitioned into the medical insurance field. However, her passion for direct patient care never wavered. In 2024, when the opportunity to launch this business arose, she knew it was time to return to the heart of why she became a nurse in the first place.

Amy’s calling to nursing is deeply personal. Her grandmother lived with her family after losing the ability to live independently. When her grandmother was diagnosed with dementia and later Alzheimer’s, the family was fortunate to have a caregiver during the day while her parents worked. They cared for her as a family the rest of the time. Although the journey was challenging, it was a profound privilege to provide love, support, and dignity until her grandmother passed peacefully at home, surrounded by family. 

This experience profoundly shaped Amy’s perspective on caregiving and fueled her passion for nursing. She firmly believes that everyone deserves to maintain independence as long as possible, receive compassionate care from empathetic individuals, and preserve their dignity at every stage of life. These core values inspire her daily and drive her commitment to making a meaningful impact once again.             

Serving Central Ohio

HWCG of Central Ohio proudly serves what Amy affectionately calls the "10 to 2" region of Central Ohio. This includes communities stretching from Plain City to Gahanna, with areas like Dublin, Powell, Lewis Center, Delaware, Worthington, Westerville, and New Albany nestled in between.

Homewatch CareGivers of Central Ohio 614-965-6558 Schedule a Consult Call
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Providing the highest quality of care at an affordable cost. Our local caregivers are trained, background-checked, and insured. This is our promise to you.

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