Telehealth is rising for Seniors

By: Sasha Kamarad

a couple looking at an ipadWith Covid-19 seniors are now transitioning to other ways to communicate and receive care from their health care providers while staying at home. Telehealth is becoming the new norm for communicating and receiving care from your health care providers. Telehealth services are used to deliver heath care virtually. Two main services that telehealth provides are telemedicine and mobile health. These have many benefits ranging from affordability to bringing comfort and safety in your home. Here at Homewatch CareGivers our caregivers are equipped with smart phones and able to assist our clients access these platforms. This is a great way for our clients to still receive care from their physicians if they are unable to leave the home. Our care givers also do video calls with family members and friends, so our clients can stay in touch with their loved ones and be able to see them in a virtual face to face conversation. This brings so much happiness and joy to our clients and their loved ones.

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is real-time communication between you and your physician. It is as easy as making a video call to your family or even a simple phone call. You make an appointment and log on at your scheduled time. From there you will be connected to the physician via video. At this time, you and your doctor will be able to discuss any changes or concerns you may have regarding your health. The physician then can order test and connect with specialists that may be a part of your health care plan. This type of service is making health care more affordable while increasing accessibility especially for seniors. There is no more need to travel or wait on long lines in the waiting room. Your health care provider is just a few clicks away. This provides seniors living alone with no assistance and those who have care now have a sense of security and peace of mind.

Caregiver helping client

With times changing now with the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors are finding telehealth to be beneficial. Seniors with underlining conditions are more at risk and need to take every precaution possible. A simple trip outside to the doctor can compromise a senior’s health. Telehealth, telemedicine, and mobile heath offer a convenient way to communicate and receive care from your physicians.

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