Discover practical tips and product recommendations for treating dry skin on the face in seniors. Learn about gentle moisturizers, lifestyle changes, and when to seek professional help.
Learn effective strategies to manage aggression in dementia patients. Discover causes, practical tips, and self-care techniques for caregivers. Expert advice and resources included.
Caring for a child or adult with autism spectrum disorder can be challenging and rewarding. These tips for autism caregivers can help.
Making a plan early for hospice and palliative care can make a difference for both the person in hospice and their family.
Leg and core strength helps with mobility and balance, keeping seniors safe and active longer. Check out these safe, simple core exercises for seniors.
Facilitating a loved one’s wish to die at home might sound challenging, but with pre-planning and professional end-of-life care, you can honor this wish.
Join us in commemorating Homewatch CareGivers' 45th anniversary. Discover our journey from a family business to an international franchise, and our unwavering commitment to exceptional in-home care.
Loneliness, boredom, and feelings of helplessness can plague the elderly, especially those who are isolated. There are ways to alleviate these feelings and help seniors live vibrantly.