Medical services are not available in Connecticut. Visit the local Connecticut websites to view a list of services offered.

Expressing Our Gratitude for Social Workers

In many cases, social workers are the glue that holds together a client’s care team. The entire Homewatch CareGivers team wants to say thank you to the social workers who help our clients and their families.

Below, we’ve compiled the reasons why we’re grateful to our social worker partners. We’ve also gathered inspirational social worker appreciation quotes we feel apply to these client support heroes.

5 Reasons We Thank Social Workers

  1. Thank you to social workers for the work you do to coordinate and communicate with clients, their families, and various agencies. When you meet with a client, you’re able to see all the different pieces that need to be woven together to help them. Your systemic approach ensures a person gets help with their medical, psychological, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical needs.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

  1. Thank you, also, for listening. Social workers are uniquely trained to listen, and we know that focused listening is difficult. Social workers take the time to find out what clients really want and need, and then provide them with helpful counsel and services. You respect each person’s freedom of choice and help them achieve a clear understanding of the ramifications of their choices. You know that two people with the same condition may want vastly different things. One individual may just want to be comfortable and accept hospice care, while another wants to continue to fight and get treatment for as long as possible.

“The happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

  1. We also appreciate your efforts to support clients, their families, and survivors. A social worker for a hospice organization knows their job does not end when a person passes away. The bereavement counseling you offer – sometimes for months afterward – helps people find the closure and resolution they need when for the loss of a loved one.

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

  1. We also know and appreciate that you are not in your profession for the money. Like caregiving, social work is a calling. You do this because you care and want to help others. What you do can be very difficult, especially when you give so much of yourself despite the long hours and the emotional stress of your job. Yet, you do it without thinking. It’s part of who you are – so, once again, thank you.

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that you cannot sincerely try to help another without helping yourself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  1. Lastly, thank you for the trust you place in Homewatch CareGivers to provide the best home care possible to the people we both help.

Homewatch CareGivers Salutes Social Workers

While March is Social Worker Appreciation Month, please know that everyone at Homewatch CareGivers appreciates the role social workers play in the care community every month of the year.

If you’re a social worker looking for a home care service provider to provide outstanding support to your clients, let’s talk. Call us at 888-404-5191 or complete our Refer a Client form.

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