Medical services are not available in Connecticut. Visit the local Connecticut websites to view a list of services offered.

What Size Home Care Fits You?

The thing about caregiving is no one is an expert until they find themselves in need of such services for themselves or a loved one. In a time of crisis, learning the terminology, prices, and more can be overwhelming and even stressful.

One common misconception about home care is that it is only for very old people who need constant care. While round-the-clock care is one option, it is not the only one. People of any age may need professional care after a surgery for a few hours or days only; a family caregiver might need to go to a wedding or special event out of town and need reliable backup for a single week; illnesses—even dementia—can strike at relatively young ages and care needs might fluctuate depending on symptoms.

Review this flowchart to get a sense of the variety of home care options available and the types of services for all needs.

What Size Home Fits you?

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