Medical services are not available in Connecticut. Visit the local Connecticut websites to view a list of services offered.

What Can In-home Autism Caregivers Do?

How to Support a Person with Autism at Home

The impact that autism has on families changes over time. As children with autism age, their needs vary based on social awareness, levels of stimulus, and changing personality traits – just like anyone else. That environment can also change autism caregiver responsibilities, often requiring additional support. No matter the age, consistent support is a must for families.

For many people serving the needs of an autistic individual, professional in-home autism care services can help.

What Is In-Home Autism Care?

Autism care at home starts with tackling daily tasks and activities. This may include:

  • Helping with dressing, hygiene, or toileting
  • Transportation
  • Cleaning, cooking, or other household tasks

Autism home care services are adaptable to absorb time or labor-intensive work and share responsibilities more equitably across family members. Caregiving services may address specific tasks, such as running errands or bathing, or provide in-home care for certain times of the day or week.

These services support autism caregivers by providing them with time away from the home, preventing emotional and physical burnout.

Understanding Autism Home Support Service

Caring for individuals with autism requires patience and many helping hands. Effective support networks depend on personalized care plans to address autistic individuals’ preferences, challenges, and abilities in a way that balances empowerment and support. Your family’s plan should also factor in the capacity of parents and others involved in day-to-day caregiving.

In addition to respite care and other in-home support, professional caregivers provide daily task and hygiene training, encouraging individuals to take pride in their independence and autonomy.

Choosing an In-Home Autism Care Service

Depending on where you live, there may be nonprofit or government-run programs providing autism support services. These programs are often limited in scope but may offer additional social experiences for autistic individuals through team sports or other activities. Autism Speaks has an online resource guide to connect those with autism or their caregivers with a wide range of programs, services, and medical professionals.

Your local Homewatch CareGivers offers home care services to individuals with autism. Find the Homewatch CareGivers location near you to learn more.

Support, Empowerment, and Care Across the Spectrum

Providing autism care can be challenging. With professional in-home autism support services, your family will enjoy more good days, more growth, and more independence. Our trained caregivers know how to make every day brighter.

Let us craft a personalized care plan to empower your whole household. Schedule a complimentary consultation or call 888-404-5191 today to learn more.

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