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Tips for Appreciating a Caregiver

There are many designated caregiver appreciation days and even a whole month in a calendar year. Some of these designated recognition days are for informal, unpaid, or family caregivers while others are meant for professional caregivers.

March 3 is a day of recognition for both paid and unpaid caregivers. With millions of caregivers around the world, it’s important to acknowledge how they bring smiles, lift spirits, maintain dignity, and improve well-being for others. Here are tips on giving thanks to the caregiver in your life:

  1. It’s not appropriate to give a professional caregiver a monetary gift so get creative with your gratitude.
  2. Typically, a caregiver probably spends their day doing what their loved one or client prefers. Turn the tables and ask them what they want to do for the day and show interest in their preferences.
  3. If you have a family member who is the primary caregiver for a loved one, offer to give them a day off either by hiring a professional caregiver or taking your turn with caregiving duties for a day or a weekend.
  4. Write them a card to tell them what they mean to you or reminisce about a favorite day that made you or your loved one particularly happy. Even a thank you card signed by you can put a smile on their face.
  5. If you are the caregiver and there isn’t anyone to tell you how much you are appreciated, take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back for all you do. Research shows that gratitude can relieve stress so give yourself this gift with benefits.

Caregiving can be a thankless task for many people so make sure to praise the person who shows they care so often for another.

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