Medical services are not available in Connecticut. Visit the local Connecticut websites to view a list of services offered.

Holiday Help and Carpooling with Caregivers

When someone needs assistance with their daily activities in the home, it may seem like it is unsafe for them to leave home. In some cases, due to a chronic illness, infection concerns, or mobility issues, a person may not be able to go out much.

However, a professionally trained caregiver can become a companion outside of the home too and help with activities when away from home.

Traveling For the Holidays? A Caregiver can Help

Traveling by plane, car, or train can be complicated and require many stops along the way. Simply pausing for a bathroom break may necessitate help from a caregiver to make sure it is done safely, especially in a public setting like an airport. Your loved one may need help handling luggage and important papers too.

In addition to assisting with travel, a caregiver can also help someone in an unfamiliar setting where they may be staying. They can help ensure the person in their care remains safe and avoids any potentially dangerous situations.

Before embarking on a trip, stop to consider all the little ways in which a caregiver helps around the house daily or weekly. Then, weigh the risks of not having the caregiver along for a trip. Are all bathrooms accessible with grab bars? Are medication reminders needed daily?

A trusted caregiver with the proper training can be of help in new settings and make a big trip more enjoyable as well as safe.

The Benefits of Getting Out

Maybe taking a big trip is out of the question, but it may still be possible to leave the home for a short time with the help of a caregiver. Going on an outing will add variety to the day and can can be meaningful for someone whose activities have become limited as a result of age or illness.

Not every outing with a caregiver has to be a chore, such as a trip to the grocery store or a visit to the doctor’s office. A caregiver can also be there for a favorite neighborhood drive or walk in a park. They can also be present during a catch up with an old friend so that things go smoothly with food preparation or light housekeeping. Each of these experiences can be an opportunity for someone with limited mobility to make new memories and break up mundane routines.

This holiday season, or anytime of year, consider venturing beyond the home and doing something new with the support of a caregiver. You or a loved one could benefit greatly from new surroundings and being able to participate in this festive time of year, even in small ways
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