A Family Caregiver’s Guide to Food Programs and Resources

couple making food

Have you ever watched a cooking show and gotten hungry? If we all lived in a perfect world, then we would never have to worry about access to nutritious food that looks, smells, and tastes wonderful. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. According to Feeding America, almost 10% of seniors faced hunger in 2019. As a matter of fact, 63% of some seniors who have visited food banks in 2019 have reported that they had to choose between food and medical care. Since poor nutrition can lead to a wide variety of health concerns, it is important to pay attention to what is available so your loved one never has to face these issues.

Senior Nutrition Programs

The most widely known senior nutrition program is Meals on Wheels, which offers homebound seniors meals that are delivered in the home. If your loved one is unable to leave the house, then they may qualify for this program, but if your loved one is able to leave the house, even with assistance, then they may be able to participate in these types of meal programs at a senior center or other local community site. To learn more about the Administration for Community Living which runs the Senior Nutrition Program, call 202-401-4634 to learn more.

Child and Adult Care Food Program

If your loved one is enrolled in some kind of adult day care center, then the Child and Adult Care Food Program may reimburse them for providing nutritious meals and snacks to adults over the age of 60, along with younger adults who have physical or mental impairments. These centers only have to follow the program nutrition guidelines to qualify for reimbursement. Contact your local care facility to see if this is an option for your loved one.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program

Food costs have gone up, and when you live on a fixed income, this means that certain items on your grocery list may not get purchased. If your loved one simply needs to supplement their groceries so that they are receiving the proper nutrition, then the Commodity Supplemental Food Program might be helpful. This program provides a monthly food package, expanding access to nutritious foods, and may include items such as produce, legumes, and foods high in protein. Contact the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to learn more about the program and find out if your loved one qualifies by calling 202-645-6087.

Other Assistance

Don’t forget, that there are often other programs available in the local area that can help. Sometimes your loved one may simply need assistance getting to the grocery store or preparing their meals. At Homewatch CareGivers of Annapolis, we can help with those kinds of services, and more! If you’re interested in learning more about different resources that are available in your community to help you and your loved one eat healthier, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Our goal is always to be here to ensure that your caregiving journey goes as smoothly as possible. Reach out to us today to learn more.