What is Respite Care and How Will it Help me?

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Family caregiving can be one of the most loving, and intensive gifts you can offer a loved one. Even if your loved one is mobile and just needs general help around the house, care can be challenging to balance with your own life and career.

As a loved one advances in age, these challenges only compound. Your mother may need even more help with hygiene, avoiding falls, cooking dinner, and getting to appointments. On the flip side, you may be less and less able to help with health problems and family commitments of your own.

Because of the involved nature of caregiving, burnout can be common, especially when the loved one being cared for has been diagnosed with diseases such as Alzheimer’s. According to Aging In Place, over 75% of all family caregivers find taking care of their loved one stressful, and half of family caregivers find it outright overwhelming.

Yet despite these statistics, 90% of family caregivers find taking care of their loved ones worthwhile. Most people who are taking care of their family members aren’t always looking to quit, but they may just need help to reduce the stress of caring for their loved one. Respite care may be the answer to this.

Respite care is another person stepping in to provide care while the primary caregiver takes a break. It might be another family member stepping in while you go shopping or to watch your son’s baseball game. More often though, a professional caregiver steps in for a few hours every week so the primary family caregiver can manage their other responsibilities or activities.

How Respite Care can Help

Respite care brings relief to the stress of worrying about care. It allows for better balance between work, family, and caregiving. If you don’t know how you’ll get your loved one to a doctor’s appointment and still make that important meeting for work, respite care can ease the worry from your mind. If you just need a break and could use some time to recoup, respite care can give you that time.

Our professional respite caregivers offer relief in many different ways for family caregivers, including peace of mind that the person taking care of them has the skill and compassion to take care of your loved one while you are rejuvenating or running your own errands.

Best of all, by allowing our caregivers to take care of tasks such as meal prep or light housekeeping, you’ll be able to come back from your break more rested and ready to resume care of your family member.

Respite care is an important consideration for family caregivers trying to figure out how to balance their lives. It can help provide relief for the family caregiver, while helping to avoid burnout.

If you’ve been looking for a solution to juggle all the responsibilities in life, while caring for a loved one, respite care may be the solution for you. You’ll be able to get out of the house, take care of your own life, but still actively participate in this important time in your loved one’s life. Respite care can be a great tool in helping guide you through this time in your life.

For more information or to find out more if respite care may be a good option for you and your loved one, contact Homewatch CareGivers of Annapolis today.