Affiliations & Expert Partnerships
We’re Affiliated With the Industry’s Most Trusted Experts & Respected Organizations
As one of the most trusted home care companies in the industry, Homewatch CareGivers is proud of the affiliations and partnerships that we’ve formed over the decades. It's about dedication to making sure clients are treated right, and our work with other organizations helps us strengthen this core principle.
We understand that great home care comes from teamwork, compassion, and expertise—that’s why we’re proud to work with organizations that promote these core values!
Organizations Homewatch CareGivers Works With
By partnering with various healthcare organizations, we make sure that we’re never settling for less than families deserve. We’re always working with the organizations listed below to improve operations across our network and continue to educate others about the benefits of home care in the healthcare continuum.
Find out more about how Homewatch CareGivers partners with leading organizations to make sure your loved ones are receiving the care they need by contacting us today!
The Eden Alternative®The Eden Alternative® is an international non-profit organization dedicated to improving quality of life by focusing on changing the culture of care. Homewatch CareGivers has taken this journey alongside The Eden Alternative® by infusing the principles and philosophy into our person-centered and directed approach to care. We are proud to have on staff a Certified Eden Educator that guides the quality care delivery and education to our network.
Dementia Action Alliance
Caring for a person with dementia is a physical and emotional journey. The Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) is a diverse coalition of passionate people creating a better society in which to live with dementia. Homewatch CareGivers takes part in key DAA committees which include the Corporate Leadership Council, Technology Committee, and Optimizing Well-Being Committee.
Goals of these committees include:
- Education about negative effects of stigma and misperceptions surrounding dementia
- Championing strategies for accommodations
- Identifying beneficial technologies
- Promoting relationship-centered support practices
Expert Partnerships
Homewatch CareGivers partners with experts in dementia, family caregiving and the best approach to care. Their teachings and best practices have been infused into our care philosophy so that the care experience for the entire care team—the caregiver, care receiver, and those around them—is as enriching and engaging as possible. We share their expertise in regular blogs, FAQs, and videos on this website and through our social media channels.
Physicians we partner with include:
National Quality Partners
National Quality Partners (NQP™), an NQF initiative, is an active forum for National Quality Forum members to connect, collaborate, and supply thought leadership on quality improvement strategies to achieve national healthcare quality goals. NQP leads practical, action-oriented initiatives to drive meaningful and lasting change for patients and their families.
The NQP Leadership Consortium comprises 30 experts and thought leaders from the NQF membership, including Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Merck, American Hospital Association, and the Veterans Health Administration.
National Quality Forum
Homewatch CareGivers is a voting member of the National Quality Forum (NQF), a non-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to improving healthcare quality. The NQF acts, under legislative authority, as an advisory committee for federal government and private sector entities.
This membership allows us to identify opportunities for the home care industry through education and contributing to national efforts to improve health care. Homewatch CareGivers is the first home care company of its kind to become a member of the NQF, bringing an industry voice to this important organization.
At Homewatch CareGivers we believe that home care plays an important role in reducing medical costs and hospital readmissions. We are dedicated to improving healthcare quality through sharing and collaboration, as well as identifying measures that demonstrate the value of quality home care. Our work with NQF helps us discover how we can do these things better than ever before.
Home Care Association of America
As a leader in the home care industry, Homewatch CareGivers is a proud member of the Home Care Association of America (HCAOA). Our COO, Jennifer Tucker, is a member of the board of directors at the HCAOA.
Homewatch CareGivers and the HCAOA share the mission to strengthen the professionalism of private duty home care providers through education and best practices. The HCAOA was founded on the principle that the purpose of private home care is to “employ, train, monitor and supervise caregivers, create a plan of care for the client and work toward a safe and secure environment for the person at home.”